Dental and Vision Insurance in Brookfield

Dental and vision care are essential to your overall health and wellness. Since you’re not always covered for these services under your health insurance plan, however, we sometimes let them slip by the wayside.

Linares Insurance Group offers comprehensive options for all your insurance needs, including a broad range of dental and vision plans. We are trusted throughout the Brookfield area to provide competitive rates and a straightforward claims process.

Call us now at (708) 656-2900 to discover the very best dental and vision insurance options.

Linares Insurance Group’s Dental and Vision Insurance Plans

Supplemental Dental Insurance

Supplemental dental insurance refers to dental care that is not always covered through standard Medicare packages.

Extra dental insurance could be beneficial if:

  • You or your family member needs extensive dental work (e.g., surgery or braces)
  • You are comfortable budgeting for the additional monthly cost
  • You want additional coverage for a specific time frame

To find out more about supplemental dental insurance plans, get in touch with our experts today. We will discuss your specific circumstances and decide what level of coverage is right for you.

Comprehensive Vision Insurance

Many people don’t realize the importance of proper vision care. If you need glasses and don’t have them, your eyes can become strained and damaged.

Moreover, the need for glasses will only increase as you age. Luckily, there are many vision insurance options available at affordable prices.

Our vision insurance packages can include:

  • Glasses
  • Contacts
  • Vision tests
  • Laser treatments
  • and more!

Discover Affordable Dental and Vision Insurance Today

At Linares Insurance Group, we always begin our services by providing consultations. During the initial meeting, we will talk to you about your personal needs and how you could benefit from a dental and vision insurance bundle.

You can choose to invest in the insurance outright or add it to your existing health insurance. We will always consider your budget before making recommendations.

We will make ourselves readily available to answer your questions and address your concerns before, during, or after the investment process.

Dental and Vision Insurance Bundle Claims

Making a dental and vision insurance claim couldn’t be easier. Keep your receipts and get in touch with us right away. Some medical offices will send the bill straight to your insurance provider, saving you, even more, time and hassle.

Either way, we will ensure that we file your claim, and money is back in your pocket as soon as possible.

The Best Choice for Affordable Dental and Vision Insurance in Brookfield

At Linares Insurance Group, we strive to meet the unique needs of all our clients. Regardless of your existing insurance policies, or your budget, we will find an insurance package that meets your needs.

We offer both stand-alone and bundled options and various payment plans. We count on a network of trusted professionals that provide only the most current health care services and have outstanding customer ratings.

Don’t compromise your health by putting off getting dental or vision insurance. Get in touch with us to set up a consultation today.